Frequently used Links

View a current weather map for the current region by accuweather or the Weather Underground. Short range forcast and 7 day forcast by NOAA.

Java-based animated weather map.


Get around town using the Metra or the CTA.

Navigate the awesome Chicago Pedway

How does Chicagoland traffic look right now?

Springboard to the web and search by Google or Yahoo!

Usenet archives by Google-news. Web archives by Mailing list search by

Find people, businesses, addresses, maps, etc. find

Real salaries for real jobs.Illinois teachers' salary database by name.

Chicago Tribune's restaurant finder and guide.

Hulu Internet TV

What's on the boob-tube?

Listen to WLS radio live.

Prescription drug (PDR) reference.

A dictionary; a thesaurus,and a dictionary of specialized words.
Also Wikipedia.

Ravinia schedule.

Favorite online travel agent.

The Chicago Tribune and things to do for fun by Metromix.

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